How to Make a Melting Ice Cream Cone Cake

How to Make a Melting Ice Cream Cone Cake

I couldn’t let the summer pass without sharing this melting ice cream cone cake with you. All you need is sprinkles, chocolate, a cone, popsicle stick (opt) and, of course, cake. Some of these items you may already have in your pantry. Check out the video below...
How to Make a Cakesicle

How to Make a Cakesicle

Today we’re making easy cakesicles. They are similar to geometric cake hearts or cake pops but made in a popsicle shaped mold.  These treats are filled with cake, coated with chocolate, and can be decorated in many ways.  You can see me making this cakesicle...
How to Make Geometric Cake Hearts

How to Make Geometric Cake Hearts

Geometric cake hearts or often called “cake gems” are similar to cake pops or cakesicles. These treats are perfect for treat boxes or to enjoy individually. They are filled with cake, coated with chocolate, and can be decorated in many ways like...
How to Frost a Smooth Cake

How to Frost a Smooth Cake

Smoothing frosting on a cake is similar to crumb coating. The only difference is the top layer of frosting is thicker, and smoothing can take a little longer. There are several ways to frost a smooth cake, and in this tutorial, I’m going to show you the piping...
How to Crumb Coat a Cake

How to Crumb Coat a Cake

I start icing all my cakes with a crumb coat. A crumb coat is a thin layer of frosting to lock in the crumbs. This prevents crumbs from appearing on the top layer of frosting on your finished cake. Checkout the video below to see how I prepared this cake. This post...
How to Level Cake Layers

How to Level Cake Layers

Before building a cake, I first make sure the top of my cake layers are flat and leveled. This is important when filling and stacking a cake to prevent the layers from imploding or sliding. I find that usually, there is a slight hump that needs to be trimmed. This...