Make buttercream that is easy, smooth, and creamy.

Welcome to Your Ultimate Guide to Perfecting Buttercream

Are you tired of struggling to make smooth and creamy buttercream for your cakes and cupcakes? Look no further! In this course, you’ll learn the secrets to creating delicious and spreadable buttercream that will impress your family and friends. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional baker, this course is perfect for anyone looking to improve their buttercream making skills.

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  • Learn the secrets to creating smooth and creamy icing without air bubbles
  • Only 5 ingredients needed to make delicious and easy buttercream from scratch
  • Master the timeless skill of making buttercream to easily ice and decorate cakes


Meet Your Instructor

Lenora, a wife, mother, an experienced cake decorator, and blogger began her career in 2013 while stationed in Germany, making fondant cakes for residents, soldiers, and families.

In 2019, she decided to share her expertise online by providing tutorials on to help other home bakers and cake artists on their journey.

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